Brand Logos
The focus of this page is mostly typography drawn for packaging and labels, but also products such as T shirts which also serve the purpose of branding.
This design was created for an up and coming line of streetwear, known as Jilt for Fame.
I drew several optional redesign concepts for Global Design department at Campbell's Foods, before this one was selected and finally completed. Worked with art director Ron Beckham, and creative director Pedro Loran on this project.
Victoria's Secret Beauty, art director Alisa Flaum contacted me in '06 to create a logo in "French script" that would be sensuous and embellish the packaging of a line of in store gift items.
I designed this packaging logo for Panacom, a small food company in the NYC area, some years back. 
I had the privilege of working with design director Priscilla Ober at Victoria's Secret Beauty on this project, which gave me a special satisfaction to create both the formal and casual scripts.
Also for Victoria's Secret Beauty, I had the privilege of working with their outstanding creative department on this "ribbon script", having been given the general style that they were going for. As one can see, this was not meant to be the kind of 'glossy' ribbon where color gradients throughout define the light and shade areas as the ribbon turns. It was meant to be realistic though in as much as the ribbon would not curve around so as to give perfect control, for instance over letter weights (thicknesses). And, this approach worked out well, for there were quite a lot of words that got drawn this way. The script adorned several holiday gift boxes, occasionally in repeat 'patterns' such as this one.
This branding monogram, to be used on clothing labels, and as mark of identity was created for  a line of up and coming street wear, starting in New York City in 2009. Justin Agosto is a dynamic entrepreneur and a pleasure to work with.
This was a logo I created several years back for a line of limited edition photographic prints, packaged and sold by Barnes & Noble.
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